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Israel 70 anniversary

This year on the evening of April 18 and the day April 19  Israel 70 anniversary/Independence Day (Yom Hatzmaot-יום העצמאות) will be celebrated. This is a very exciting landmark for a small country who overcame so much adversity and his now a thriving democracy, a startup nation and a subject of admiration and envy to many nations in the world. Israel declared independence on 14 May 1948, which corresponds to the Hebrew date of ha ba-iyar -ה באייר the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar.

A day before independence year , Israel commemorates Yom Hazikaron- the Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day. The proximity of the grieve and the joy of these days is challenging but it makes us never forget the people who sacrificed their life and their families so we can live in this wonderful country.

Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev stated:

“These will be 70 hours of celebrations in Israeli society that connect us all,” Regev said. “The events are tailored for both young and veteran audiences, for entire families, and also for Jews around the world. We are going to host the most-talked-about and moving events in Israeli society, full of energy, positivity and joy. It will be exciting, distinguished and touching, just as this country that we love so dearly deserves.”

israel 70th anniversary official logoThe events will open with the annual state ceremony at Mount Herzl on April 18 where an official song to celebrate Israel’s 70th will be presented followed by what should be the largest fireworks display in Israel’s history.A pre-Shabbat “70th Hora” will be held the Friday before, with Israelis folk-dancing in group circles.

After an all night beach party from on all Israeli beaches (about 43.5 miles) is planned.

April 19 Parade of Lights is  planned for illustrating Israel’s success and innovation. as well as the annual International Bible Quiz, and the Israel Prize ceremony.

On Friday, April 20,crazy street parties will be held throughout Israel. Official independence day events end  Saturday April 20 night with a musical event representing Israeli music of all streams.


Will you be at Israel 70 anniversary/Independence Day (Yom Hatzmaot-יום העצמאות)?

Let me know (:


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