Saying goodbye isn’t easy but it’s good to know how to. Whether you’re leaving a casual gathering or ending a formal meeting, here are some of the most common expressions used to say goodbye in Hebrew:
1. Shalom (שָׁלוֹם)
- Pronunciation: Shalom.
- Meaning: Hello, Goodbye and Peace.
2. Lehitraot (לְהִתְרָאוֹת)
- Pronunciation: leh-hit-ra-ot.
- Meaning: See you later.
3. Yalla Bye (יאללה ביי)
- Pronunciation: Yaala Bye.
- Meaning: Goodbye in a very casual, slang way (Yaala is from Arabic and means let’s go).
4. Sheeiye Lecha Yom Tov. שיהיה לך יום טוב. (Talking to a male)
- Pronunciation: She-ei-ye le-cha Yom Tov.
- Meaning: Have a good day.
5. Sheeiye Lach Yom Tov. (שיהיה לך יום טוב). (Talking to a female)
- Pronunciation: She-ei-ye lach Yom Tov.
5. Shavua Tov (שָׁבוּעַ טוֹב)
- Pronunciation: Shavoa toh.
- Meaning: Have a good week.
6. Nesia Tova (נְסִיעָה טוֹבָה)
- Pronunciation: Neh-see-ah tova.
- Meaning: Have a good trip.
7. Nitraeh – (נתראה)
- Pronunciation: Nit-ra-eh.
- Meaning: I’ll/We’ll see you .
8. Ani Chayav Larootz (M)/ Ani Chayevet Larootz (F)- (אני חייב לרוץ\אני חייבת לרוץ)
- Pronunciation: Ani Cha-yav La-rootz (M), Ani Cha-yevet La-rootz (F).
- Meaning: I gotta run.
9. Ani Olech (M)/ Ani Olechet (F) – (אני הולך\אני הולכת)
- Pronunciation: Ani Oh-lech (M), Ani Oh-lech-et (F).
- Meaning: I’m going.
Do you know more words and phrases to say goodbye in Hebrew? Let us know in the comments